Este cel mai emotionant filmulet pe care l-am vazut in ultimii ani. Am fost fan Steve Irwin. Il urmaream zilnic la TV in timpul vacantelor de vara si cat de des puteam in restul anului. Tipul era senzational! Pacat ca a plecat dintre noi atat de devreme.
M-a bucurat enorm sa descopar ca pasiunea lui pentru animale a fost mostenita de familia lui, iar Bindi, m-a lasat fara grai! Pasiunea cu care vorbeste despre animale si despre tatal ei este de nedescris!
„I do remember he gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me forever. He said, ‘You have to treat animals the way you wish to be treated.’ Which is so true. And I think that applies to all animals.
If you treat animals how you want to be treated, you’re a lot better off. So when he was working with venomous snakes or cheetahs, he just treated them in a way…it was never trying to overpower them or anything like that. He was just loving them. And he was teaching other people about how beautiful they are. Telling people how to respect snakes and respect crocodiles and to love them. And I think if you go about it with that kind of attitude, it’s brilliant.” – Bindi Irwin
Videoclipul este emotionant pana la lacrimi!